
int create_ums_completion_list(ums_completion_list_t *completion_list)

Create UMS completion list.

A completion list is associated with a UMS scheduler thread when the enter_ums_scheduling_mode() function is called to create the scheduler thread. The system queues newly created UMS worker threads to the completion list.

When an application’s ums_scheduler_entry_point_t entry point function is called, the application’s scheduler should retrieve items from the completion list by calling dequeue_ums_completion_list_items().

When a completion list is no longer needed, use the delete_ums_completion_list() to release the list. The list must be empty before it can be released.

  • completion_list[out] pointer to an empty UMS completion list.


0 in case of success, -1 otherwise (with errno setted accordingly).

int ums_pthread_create(pthread_t *thread, ums_attr_t *ums_attr, void *(*func)(void*), void *args)

Create UMS worker thread.

  • thread[out] pointer to an empty pthread.

  • ums_attr[in] pointer to a UMS worker attribute.

  • func[in] UMS worker routine.

  • args[in] parameter to pass to the specified worker routine.


0 in case of success, -1 otherwise (with errno setted accordingly).

int enter_ums_scheduling_mode(ums_scheduler_startup_info_t *scheduler_startup_info)

Converts the calling thread into a user-mode scheduling (UMS) scheduler thread.

An application’s UMS scheduler creates one UMS scheduler thread for each processor that will be used to run UMS threads. The scheduler typically sets the affinity of the scheduler thread for a single processor, effectively reserving the processor for the use of that scheduler thread.

When a UMS scheduler thread is created, the system calls the ums_scheduler_entry_point_t entry point function specified with the enter_ums_scheduling_mode() function call. The application’s scheduler is responsible for finishing any application-specific initialization of the scheduler thread and selecting a UMS worker thread to run.

The application’s scheduler selects a UMS worker thread to run by calling execute_ums_thread() with the worker thread’s UMS thread context. The worker thread runs until it yields control by calling ums_thread_yield() or terminates. The scheduler thread is then available to run another worker thread.

A scheduler thread should continue to run until all of its worker threads reach a natural stopping point: that is, all worker threads have yielded or terminated.

  • scheduler_startup_info[in] A pointer to a structure that specifies UMS attributes for the thread, including a completion list and a ums_scheduler_entry_point_t entry point function.


0 in case of success, -1 otherwise (with errno setted accordingly).

int dequeue_ums_completion_list_items(ums_completion_list_t completion_list, ums_context_t *ums_thread_list)

Retrieves user-mode scheduling (UMS) worker threads from the specified UMS completion list.

The system queues a UMS worker thread to a completion list when the worker thread is created or when it yields. The dequeue_ums_completion_list_items() function retrieves a pointer to a list of all thread contexts in the specified completion list. The get_next_ums_list_item() function can be used to pop UMS thread contexts off the list into the scheduler’s own ready thread queue. The scheduler is responsible for selecting threads to run based on priorities chosen by the application.

Do not run UMS threads directly from the list provided by dequeue_ums_completion_list_items(), or run a thread transferred from the list to the ready thread queue before the list is completely empty. This can cause unpredictable behavior in the application.

If more than one caller attempts to retrieve threads from a shared completion list, only the first caller retrieves the threads. For subsequent callers, the dequeue_ums_completion_list_items() function blocks until any UMS worker thread are queued to the completion list.

  • completion_list[in] A pointer to the completion list from which to retrieve worker threads.

  • ums_thread_list[out] A pointer to a ums_context_t variable. On output, this parameter receives a pointer to the first UMS thread context in a list of UMS thread contexts.


0 in case of success, -1 otherwise (with errno setted accordingly).

ums_context_t get_next_ums_list_item(ums_context_t context)

Returns the next user-mode scheduling (UMS) thread context in a list of thread contexts.


If the function succeeds, it returns the next thread context in the list. If there is no thread context after the context specified by the context parameter, the function returns 0. If the function fails, the return value is -1 (with errno setted accordingly).

int execute_ums_thread(ums_context_t context)

Runs the specified UMS worker thread.

The execute_ums_thread() runs the specified UMS worker thread until it yields by calling the ums_thread_yield() function or terminates.

When a worker thread yields or terminates the system calls the scheduler thread’s ums_scheduler_entry_point_t entry point function.

  • context[in] The UMS thread context of the worker thread to run.


0 in case of success, -1 otherwise (with errno setted accordingly).

int ums_thread_yield(void *scheduler_param)

Yields control to the user-mode scheduling (UMS) scheduler thread on which the calling UMS worker thread is running.

A UMS worker thread calls the ums_thread_yield() function to cooperatively yield control to the UMS scheduler thread on which the worker thread is running. If a UMS worker thread never calls ums_thread_yield(), the worker thread runs until it is terminated.

When control switches to the UMS scheduler thread, the system calls the associated scheduler entry point function with the reason UMS_SCHEDULER_THREAD_YIELD and the scheduler_param parameter specified by the worker thread in the ums_thread_yield(scheduler_param) call.

The application’s scheduler is responsible for rescheduling the worker thread.


0 in case of success, -1 otherwise (with errno setted accordingly).

int delete_ums_completion_list(ums_completion_list_t *completion_list)

Deletes the specified user-mode scheduling (UMS) completion list.

  • completion_list[in] A pointer to the UMS completion list to be deleted. The create_ums_completion_list() function provides this pointer.


0 in case of success, -1 otherwise (with errno setted accordingly).